Prosodic Features of Japanese Emotional Expressions using One-word Utterance “n”

  • Lae Lae Htun
    Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Saitama University
  • SHIMAMURA Tetsuya
    Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Saitama University
  • SONU Mee
    Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Saitama University

Bibliographic Information

Other Title
  • 一語発話「ん」を用いた日本語の感情表現の韻律特徴
  • -Results of a preliminary survey by native Japanese speakers-
  • -日本語母語話者による予備調査の結果-


<p>Our aim was to understand the scientific features of emotional expressions in Japanese by native and non-native speakers. Specifically, this study focused on how non-native speakers recognize the emotional expression of native speakers and vice versa. As a first attempt, the present study analyzed various emotional expressions using the one-word utterance “n” by young female native Japanese speakers. Based on the preliminary survey, the results of the analysis showed three types of F0 dynamic patterns in “n.” Positive and agreeable emotions of “n” exhibited the “Rise and Fall” pattern, negative emotions of “n”exhibited the “Gradual Fall” pattern, whereas doubtful emotions of “n” exhibited the “Rise” pattern. The minimum frequency of F0 did not considerably differ in all these emotions, whereas the maximum frequency of F0 was high for all emotions except negative emotions. These results suggest that the F0 movement may be related to emotional expression, that is, positive and negative.</p>


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