Analysis for a Relationship between Risk of Burglary and Urban Space Composition

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Other Title
  • 侵入窃盗の発生リスクと地域の業種,空間構成の影響に関する研究
  • Case Study Focusing on 23 Wards and Urban Area of Tokyo
  • 東京都区部並びに市部におけるケーススタディ


<p>In recent years, the number of crimes has been decreasing in Tokyo because of the installation of surveillance camera system and utilizing Geographic Information System(GIS) However, roughly 5000 of burglaries have occurred in the cities area and the 23 wards of Tokyo every year. Consequently, in this research, focusing on 23 wards and the cities area of Tokyo, authors aim to identify the relationship between risk of burglary and urban space composition. As a result of regression analysis, we ascertained the model that the R-squared of over-dispersion Poisson model for residential burglaries equals 0.6201 and the model for store & office burglaries equals 0.6589. As a result, we identify some business and variables which describe about local population are influential in the occurrence of burglaries.</p>



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