The current situation and tasks of childcare content area “physical and mental health” implemented in a ceritified nursery pre-school at stages of development of infancy to childhood
- Nishikawa Kiyoshi
- Department of Education, Kansai University of Welfare Sciences
- Hotta Chie
- Department of Education, Kansai University of Welfare Sciences
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- Other Title
- 発達の連続性を踏まえた保育内容領域「健康」に関する園の支援・指導の現状と課題
- 発達の連続性を踏まえた保育内容領域「健康」に関する園の支援・指導の現状と課題 : 特別な配慮を必要とする園児も含む一考察
- ハッタツ ノ レンゾクセイ オ フマエタ ホイク ナイヨウ リョウイキ 「 ケンコウ 」 ニ カンスル ソノ ノ シエン ・ シドウ ノ ゲンジョウ ト カダイ : トクベツ ナ ハイリョ オ ヒツヨウ ト スル エンジ モ フクム イチ コウサツ
- A discussion included an examination of pre-school children with special-needs
- 特別な配慮を必要とする園児も含む一考察
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The aim of this study was to find what kind of childcare content area “physical and mental health” childcare workers emphasized. We asked eighteen childcare workers to answer three types of questions by free description. The first question was what kind of area “physical and mental health” childcare workers always feel important. As a second question, we asked them to write the content area “physical and mental health” practiced by childcare workers for all pre-school children. As a final question, we asked them to write the content area practiced by childcare workers for pre-school children with special-needs. As for the results, we obtained three main findings. First, it was important for childcare workers in this study to regulate children’s life and physical activities, whereas it was unimportant to guide about food education, enjoying a sense of fulfillment for physical activities, and extracting independent activity related to physical and mental health. Finally, for pre-school children with special-needs, it seems that they focused on physiological and psychological fullness. We discussed from the viewpoint of improvement in current practice. For a future direction, it is necessary to repeatedly examine what childcare workers emphasize on childcare content area “physical and mental health” in another nursery pre-school.
- Journal of Human Environmental Studies
Journal of Human Environmental Studies 18 (1), 9-16, 2020
Society for Human Environmental Studies
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390566775147653632
- NII Article ID
- 130007866824
- NII Book ID
- AA11879150
- 18837611
- 13485253
- 030652132
- Text Lang
- ja
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- JaLC
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