Augmented Reality Media to Convey Furoshiki Culture

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  • 風呂敷文化を伝える拡張現実メディア
  • フロシキ ブンカ オ ツタエル カクチョウ ゲンジツ メディア

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<p> As globalization expands in recent years, multicultural coexistence has been increasing in importance as a way for people from different cultural backgrounds to mutually accept differences in culture and values and build new relationships. To understand a culture, one has to be sensitive to the values underlying such culture instead of just focusing on obtaining knowledge. This study chose furoshiki (wrapping cloth) as an easily understandable cultural item because of its familiarity. To convey values signified in the act of wrapping together with various ways of wrapping, the study expanded the act of wrapping through a system consisting of image-recognition technology and image projection, in which the image of goldfish transforms in accordance with the wrapping process. The goldfish reacting to the wrapping steps attracts the user's attention and raises awareness about the act of wrapping. The questionnaire collected from the users confirms how the system sparked interest of the users experiencing the culture and conveyed values inherent in actions and items.</p>


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