

  • A study of learning contents of tag rugby
  • タグラグビーの学習内容に関する一考察 : 「ボール持ち運び」時の状況に着目して
  • タグラグビー ノ ガクシュウ ナイヨウ ニ カンスル イチ コウサツ : 「 ボール モチハコビ 」 トキ ノ ジョウキョウ ニ チャクモク シテ
  • : Focus on the situation of ball carrying
  • :「ボール持ち運び」時の状況に着目して



<p>In this study, we investigated the various plays selected at the time of a breakthrough into offside lines for tag rugby. The analysis target was 375 instances in five games in the national competition of elementary school children. We attempted to identify the most ideal play at the time of a breakthrough into offside lines in tag rugby using the KJ method. The analysis target comprised 154 instances in which the attacker and defender faced each other statically and 221 instances where the aggressor and the defender faced one another dynamically.</p><p>The results were as follows: In an instance where the attacker and the defender were facing each other statically, it was effective to enact a breakout play that creates a favorable situation for the attacker in the next attack based on player numbers and player positioning. Similarly, in an instance where the attacker and defender were facing each other dynamically, it was thought that either a break to allow for an organized defense line or a quick attack should be selected.</p><p>As a result of these observations, the following was suggested. One of the important aspects regarding effective tactics for a breakthrough into offside lines is to opt for a break to allow for an organized defense line or quick attack. At that time, it is important to pay attention to the static or dynamic situation, as well as the number and positioning of the both attacker and the defender. It was suggested that the learning effect would be higher when the defense line of the defender was prepared.</p>


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