

  • A Model for Hit Rate of Online Shared Cataloging System
  • オンライン ブンタン モクロク システム ノ ヒットリツ ニ カンスル モデル



A model for hit rate, which is one of the basic indicaters for the efficiency of online shared cataloging system (OSCS), was developed to reveal the factors affecting hit rate and characteristics of hit rate fluctuation. <br> At first, the basic elements which characterise OSCS were picked up through the analysis of OSCS served by National Center for Science Information System (NACSIS-CAT). Then, a OSCS model, in which the organisation of database and framework of cataloging operation through OSCS were defined, was developed. A state equation of hit rate was derived from the model. The equation is λ=1-(1-μ)/ρ, where λ is a hit rate, μ is a copy rate of bibliographic records (rate of copied records), and ρ is a ratio of number of holding to bibliographic records. Fluctuation of hit rate was demonstrated using the model and some applications of the model including application to the planning of retrospective conversion of catalog data, were suggested.


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