

  • ハハトムスメ-ソノヒカリトヤミ-
  • Mother and Daughter Relationships-Light and Darkness-




母と娘の関係性は身近なテーマであるが、心理学的な複雑さを内包している。近年では少子化の影響を受け、一卵性母娘など母娘の問題が家族の問題としてクローズアップされているが、実は童話や神話の中にも母娘のテーマは表現されている。本稿は、まず娘の母親への生涯にわたる依存性の高さと、62%の女性が母親に依存的であるという質問紙を用いた実証研究を概観した。次に深層心理学的観点から、母と娘に特有の親密性の高さと娘の自立の困難さについて、神話やディズニー素材(「白雪姫」「ラプンツェル」「リトルマーメイド2」「メリダとおそろしの森」「アナと雪の女王」)を取り上げ、それぞれの物語における母娘関係を分析し、これらに共通する興味深いパターンと、母娘の絆がいかに強く分離しにくいかを示した。さらに、母娘関係を深く理解するために、母親が娘をコントロールする無意識的メカニズム、すなわち、抑圧、同一化という自我の防衛機制や「母」役割が持つ献身の問題(斉藤 2008)を紹介した。特に、献身の問題については、マゾヒスティック・コントロール(高石 1997)の観点から論じ、その対処について述べた。その結果、女性の自立を考えるには、従来の男性の自立モデルとは異なる、女性特有の自立スタイルを考えることが重要であることが示唆された。

The theme of mother and daughter relationships are familiar,however, these relationships contain many complex psychological factors. Recently, the increasing phenomenon of an overly intimate mother and daughter relationship, which is influenced by the declining number of children, has come into focus as a common family problem. However, we can find the same kind of relationship in many old tales and ancient myths. In this article, I first reviewed two survey-based psychological studies, which suggested that some daughters have a life-long dependency on their mothers,and that 62% of daughters have a tendency to depend on their mothers. Secondly, I assessed the strength of the bonds shared between mothers and daughters from the perspective of Depth Psychology. I also pointed out the difficulty of a daughter's separation and independence in a typical mother/daughter relationship, as can be seen in myths and Disney animations such as Snow White,Tangled,Little Mermaid 2,Brave, and Frozen. Lastly,to understand these phenomena, I introduced the theory of Saito(2008),who explained that mothers use ego-defense mechanisms, such as suppression and identification, to control their daughters.I also discussed the role of a mother's devotion from the theory of the "masochistic-control mechanism", which was developed by Takaishi(1997). I then described a way of coping with this unconscious control from mothers. In conclusion, I emphasized that there is a necessity for a new and more suitable model for a woman's original process of gaining independence, which is rather different from that of most men.


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