瀬戸川帯静岡市二王山周辺域に産する斧石, ダトー石

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  • セトガワタイ シズオカシ ニオウサン シュウヘンイキ ニ サンスル フセキ ダトーセキ
  • The occurrences of axinite and datolite at Mt. Nio area in the Setogawa belts, Shizuoka, central Japan

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The occurrence, mineralogy and stable isotopic characteristics of axinite and datolite-bearing veins in the Mt. Nio area of the Setogawa Belt in Shizuoka were described. Along three valleys of Abe River (Kuchisenmata, Setozawa and Okunosawa), cobbles and outcrops of axinite bearing veins are found along fractures in greenrocks. Four outcrops of green-rocks at the valley head of Okunosawa, axinite bearing veins about 20cm in width and 1m in length were observed. Epidote, pargasite, calcite and quartz were observed in the axinite and datolite bearing veins. Carbon and oxygen isotopic values of calcites coexisting with axinite and datolite showed a nearly constant value for oxygen and were highly variable for carbon. This implied that the temperature of the hydrothermal water which formed these mineral veins was constant and the source of carbon in the hydrothermal fluid probably mixed with magmatic carbon and organic derived carbon accompanying the accretional processes of the Setogawa Belt.


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