


With an Great East Japan Earthquake, it happened that Tokyo Electric Power Company Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident. X high school is located in Nakadori of Fukushima prefecture within 60 km from Tokyo Electric Power Company Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, a lot of the school building were damaged or destroyed by the great earthquake. In addition, outdoor activity is restricted by radioactive contamination, students caused many problems in school life. Therefore, this study aimed to clarify about an emotional process in 1 year later of the high school students who experienced an Great East Japan Earthquake and nuclear accident. The target was Fukushima Public X High School 21 high school students, focus group - interview survey was conducted from March to April 2012, and analyzed by qualitative description method.As a result, for each period of school life after an Great East Japan Earthquake, in stage I [Immediately after an Great East Japan Earthquake - Restarting School] was falling into【Grief on persons and things that were instantly lost】【shock to changes in the living environment after the disaster】, anxiety and fear etc. In stage II [Restarting school ~ summer vacation] was held【empty feeling and frustration of school life by self-control of activities】by the influence of nuclear accident. In stage Ⅲ [summer vacation - 1 year later of an Great East Japan Earthquake] was seen【anxiety for future course and life】while being returning to normal, 【Supporting people and realizing the connection】,【Thank you for your daily routine】【Activities to actively overcome difficulties】. In stage IV [1 year later of an Great East Japan Earthquake] was revealed an emotional process of the high school students such as【contribution to reconstruction】etc.


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