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  • The Abolition of the Appointment System during the Sui and the Relationship between Local Officials and their Place of Residence and Work
  • ズイ ノ ヘキショウセイ ハイシ ト トシ
  • 隋の辟召制廃止と都市



In the present study I wish by introducing a sociological perspective into the discussion of the abolition in 583 of the appointment system (which allowed senior officials to recruit their staff locally and on their own) to elucidate the following two problems. First, as a result of the abolition of the appointment system and the gradual prevalence of the rule of avoidance (forbidding persons to take office in their native district), the place of residence of persons assigned to posts as local officials changed from their native village to a city far removed therefrom. After the rule of avoidance had been established, it was only as late as in the Zhengguan 貞觀 era of the Tang that the salary system meant to support officials away from their native regions was able to achieve the reliability it had lacked during the Northern Dynasties. The source of local officials' salary during the Northern Dynasties, the Sui and the Tang was the tax grain collected from the registered population of the commanderies and counties. I show that in particular during the Tang the salary grain came from the tax grain collected in the Zhengcang granaries in the commandery and county cities. We are thus able to perceive a structure where local officials receive part of their salary from the tax grain gathered in their city of residence and work; this is the second point I wish to make.


  • 東洋史研究

    東洋史研究 44 (3), 459-488, 1985-12-31



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