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  • ロン コウ ニ オケル イ スウ タイ
  • 「論衡」に於ける意・数・体



The Lun-hêng is a philosophical book written by Wang Ch'ung (王充27 ~ ?). The title of this book means "the balance of argument". The thought of Wang Ch'ung is deeply influenced by fatalism, and at the same time, involves criticism of the society of his age. In this paper, I attempt to analyze the construction of the prose of the Lun-hêng. Wang Ch'ung says in the chapter, "Correcting views" (正說篇); "Characters (文字), when they have meaning (意), establish sentences (句). Sentences, when they amount to a number (數), become sections (章). Sections, when they form a body (體), become chapters (篇)". The concept of four steps (character, sentence, section and chapter) is not so unusual, but the recognition of three moments (meaning, number and body) between these steps is original with Wang Ch'ung. In order to complete a chapter, it is necessary for the writer not only to give meaning, but also to develop his writing logically and to substantiate it. The Lun-hêng itself shows this kind of internal structure, which determines the style of Wang Ch'ung. These three moments (meaning, number and body) are also found in the whole of the Lun-hêng. The Lun-hêng opens by expressing feelings (意) influenced by fatalism. (Meaning 意 means feeling also.) Soon after, this feeling of the author takes the form of logic. I consider this logic to be number (數). It acts as social criticism. Next, Wang Ch'ung reveals his own figure (body 體). We find him depicted as the defender of nation. Here, logic temporarily diminishes in importance, but after Wang Ch'ung has revealed his own figure, it appears again. This time, however, it does so as spiritualism. (Goodness is taken as best.) After this, feeling again becomes evident, as the author declares his wish of serving in the court. In his last years, having experienced discouragement, Wang Ch'ung suggests a return to logic (數). We can recognize in this a sprit that has begun to work in a cycle.


  • 中國文學報

    中國文學報 35 1-36, 1983-10



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