<Article>Sir Leo Chiozza Money's Millennium

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  • <論説>サー・レオ・キオザ・マネーの千年王国
  • サー・レオ・キオザ・マネーの千年王国
  • サー レオ キオザ マネー ノ センネン オウコク

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My paper is an attempt to trace the political career of Sir Leo Chiozza Money and to survey the development of his politico-economic ideas. Before the First World War Money was a well known collectivist radical in the Liberal Party and he was also a Fabian socialist. His widely read book, "Riches and Poverty" (1905) made a considerable impression on the socialist thinking of the Edwardian age. His main contention was that the British industrial system which had fallen into the condition of stagnation should be reorganised by vigorous actions of a "Great State", including the nationalisation of basic industries. In the politics of the First World War Money played a role in the formation of the Lloyd George government, and was appointed Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Shipping. In Money's view war socialism was a realisation of his own pre-war socialist ideal. And he maintained that it was necessary to apply the "lessons from the war" for the task of reconstructing British economic life after the war. With that purpose in mind he entered the Labour Party and found that the party was doctrinaire on the subject of transition to socialism. After the break with Labour he grew sympathetic to the Fascist regime in Italy for he was his ideal of organised economy being realised there.


  • 史林

    史林 68 (3), 458-492, 1985-05-01

    THE SHIGAKU KENKYUKAI (The Society of Historical Research), Kyoto University


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