Application of ATP Swab Test in Conservation Facilities for Cultural Properties

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  • 〔報文〕文化財公開施設等におけるATP拭き取り検査の活用について


Microorganism contamination measurement using ATP (Adenosine triphosphate) bioluminescence is reported much in the field of food hygiene. Especially ATP swab test using a portable luminometer and an exclusive swab with extract agent and luciferase is widely utilized for sanitary control. ATP swab test takes only a few minutes to check biocontaminations, while traditional agar incubation method takes several days. The advantages of ATP swab test are its simplicity and promptness in operation, and these are thought to be useful in microorganism measurement at museums and conservation facilities for cultural properties. However, there is a very large difference in the environment and the situation in which microorganism measurement takes place between food hygiene and conservation of cultural properties. In the case of biocontamination check in storages in museums, the environment is quite dry and has only a little ATP sources compared with that at food factories or restaurant kitchens. On the other hand, in the case of sterilization of stones and soils in conservation facilities of tumuli or historic sites, sterilization agents penetrate into the substrate, and an ATP swab test is conducted under a situation in which sterilization agents are insufficiently removed. For the practical use of ATP swab test in conservation facilities, we conducted two investigations. One is to try biocontamination check at a museum, and the other is to verify proper measurement under a situation in which sterilization agents exist. As a result of biocontamination check at the museum, it was possible to detect enough luminescence from wiped swabs and to estimate the distribution of biocontamination in the storage. We certified that ATP swab test can be utilized well in museums. As a result of experiments about the interference effect of sterilization agents to the measurement of ATP luminescence, it was found that some of the agents disturbed luminescence measurement when ATP concentration was low. We conducted another experiment about ATP swab test in the situation in which sterilization agents existed on Aspergillus versicolor. In the case of agents which directly attack the cell wall in the sterilization mechanism (ex. ethanol, formalin, benzalkonium chloride, sodium hypochlorite), the amount of ATP luminescence (RLU: Relative Light Unit) and survived spores (CFU: Colony Forming Unit) were not correlated because of the elution of intracellular ATP. On the other hand, in the case of an agent which obstructs enzyme action in the sterilization mechanism (Kathon CGTM) and irradiation of ultraviolet ray, the amount of ATP luminescence correlated with survived spores. Thus at tumuli or historic sites, since ATP swab test can be utilized for the verification of sterilization when using only specific agents, it is necessary to asses its application beforehand.


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