Possibilities and Challenges of Wide Comprehensive Farm Stay Areas: Western Tokushima Prefecture

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  • 広域的総合農泊地域の可能性と課題―徳島県西部地域を対象として―
  • コウイキテキ ソウゴウノウハクチイキ ノ カノウセイ ト カダイ : トクシマケン セイブ チイキ オ タイショウ ト シテ

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In this study, we examined the results and success factors of farm stay areas, based on the results of a field survey of farm staying activities in western Tokushima Prefecture (“Nishi Awa”). Nishi Awa, which can be evaluated as building a system to engage in farm stays with the participation of various local actors in a wide area spanning at least multiple municipalities, was positioned as a "wide comprehensive farm stay area." In Nishi-Awa, each individual made contributions by sharing local resources, such as regional agriculture and traditional culture, among various actors. The results were not only limited to an increase in the number of tourists but also effective in resolving the problem of underutilization of dormant resources, such as closed schools, vacant houses, and abandoned farmland, in the region. In other words, it has become clear that Nishi-Awa's efforts have achieved a wide range of results through “diversity” and “stratification,” where various actors work at various regional levels from a wide-range of municipalities, to elementary school district and rural community. On the other hand, some problems occurred due to a wide range of widespread challenges. These included inadequate cooperation between farm stays and regional agriculture, inbound correspondence, and coordination between actors.


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