ウラディミール・ホロヴィッツの病跡 : 音楽性と精神病理


  • ウラディミール ホロヴィッツ ノ ビョウセキ オンガクセイ ト セイシン ビョウリ





The representative pianist of the 20^<th> century, Vladimir -Horowitz (1903-1989), besides possessing a brilliant performance technique, is noted as an outstanding musician of the Romantic tradition of the previous 19th century and today serves as an index for concert pianists. Yet it is well known that during his career there were a number of times when his public performances came to a halt. In this paper, focusing on the symptomatological factors leading up to these breaks in the renowned pianist's public performances and examining his musicality in the light of Kimura's disquisition, I will attempt to inquire into the cause of these performance interruptions from a psychopathological and anthropological point of view. Symptomatically, Horowitz's condition indicates that he was subject to neurotic depression. In addition, musicality of this type which elicits an outburst of frenzied enthusiasm among countless audiences is thouhgt to indicate an aspiration for the complete merging of double-subjectivity resulting in bringing about an excess of one's own private intersubjectivity. Furthermore, from the psychopathological point of view, there is indication that in Horowitz's case this private intersubjectivity acting in concert with music upset the multi-factorial balance between musicality, psychopathology and music aesthetics to produce this pathology.


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