Accentual Variations in Derived Nouns Containing the Suffix -<i>kata</i>: Interference from Native Dialect Observed in the Frequency of De-accentuation

DOI Open Access
  • Nasu Akio
    Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Tsukuba
  • Imada Mizuho
    Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Tsukuba
  • Moon Changyun
    Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Tsukuba
  • Tagawa Takumi
    Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Tsukuba

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Other Title
  • 接尾辞「-方」を含む派生名詞でのアクセント変異―平板化率にみる地域差と母方言からの干渉―


<p>This study examined the accentual variations in the form containing the suffix -kata utilizing the Corpus of Spontaneous Japanese. The result of our survey indicated that the variation that effect de-accentuation is more frequent than those that shift toward the accented pattern. A close examination of the data revealed that the occurrence of the de-accenting pattern by speakers from the Kinki district is more frequent than that of Tokyo speakers. Since -kata is a de-accenting morpheme in Kinki dialects, we can conclude that the interference from the native dialect is at work even in speech aiming at the Standard Japanese.</p>


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    • KAKEN
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