The Transmission of Implicit Theories of Intelligence (ITI) between Parents and Children: Focusing the Degree of Agreement in ITI between the Parents

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  • 親子間における知能観の伝達――父親と母親の知能観の一致に着目して


<p>This study examined the process of transmission of implicit theories of intelligence (ITI) between parents and children and the possibility of being moderated by the degree of agreement in ITI between the parents. We measured parents’ and children’s ITI in 211 households comprising fathers, mothers, and middle school-age children and asked the children about their perceptions of their parents’ ITI. The moderated mediation analysis revealed that when there was high agreement between the parents’ ITI, the father’s ITI mediated the children’s perception of the father’s ITI and influenced the children’s. However, with the low agreement between the parents’ ITI, the father’s ITI did not predict the children’s perceptions of it. The mother’s ITI mediated the child’s perception of the mother’s ITI and influenced the child’s ITI regardless of the degree of agreement with the father’s. The direct effect of parents’ ITI on their children’s ITI was significant, regardless of the level of agreement. The results indicate the need to examine the degree of agreement between the parents’ ITI.</p>



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