How does the bike-sharing system have an impact on the number of visiting sites by tourists and their duration of stay?

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  • 観光都市へのシェアサイクル導入が観光客の立ち寄り施設数と滞在時間に与える影響
  • A case study in Kamakura City, Kanagawa Prefecture
  • 神奈川県鎌倉市を対象として


<p>This paper aims to quantitatively evaluate the impact of the bike-sharing system on tourist travel behavior with respect to the number of visiting sites and duration of stay by tourists. We make a stochastic model consisting of modal choice, side-trip probability, and side-trip site selection. This model permits us to describe the travel behavior of tourists with multiple transportation modes and simulate the behavior in Kamakura City. The results show that tourists who can use walking, shared bicycles, and public transportation as a means of transportation tend to visit more sites while maintaining a similar duration of stay compared to tourists without shared bicycles. They also suggest that the bike-sharing system enables tourists to discover potential tourism resources. This paper contributes to providing findings for tourist cities when considering the introduction of bike-sharing to verify the effectiveness of their policies.</p>



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