AI as a tool and the expansion of creative industries


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  • 道具としてのAIとクリエイティブ産業の拡大


<p>This paper considers the aspect of "AI as a tool". Considering the premise that works are created by humans, and the quality and accuracy of the current generation AI, the final cut must be made by humans, and society's recent doubts about the use of generation AI output as the final product are not surprising. On the other hand, it is already being actively utilised as an intermediate process and as an intermediate good, and is considered to be contributing to creative options and improved work efficiency.The tools of AI are,</p><p>i) Encouraging interest and participation in creative activities by amateurs and hobbyists, as seen in the UGC, some of whom have produced excellent products,</p><p>ii) Those can take away the work of some paid staff, but</p><p>iii) It may also lead to an overall improvement in the efficiency of the more tedious parts of professional work.</p><p>The nature of iii) as opposed to i) and ii) as AI evolves is a trade-off against industry expansion, and there are many management issues in balancing AI evolution and industry expansion, including how to utilise AI, the quality of the products and the career paths of personnel.</p>


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