Rokuoh-sha Style Color Prints and their Three-color Separation Negative Films left behind at Tokyo Polytechnic University

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  • 東京工芸大学に残されていた六櫻社式天然色印画とそのネガフィルム
  • トウキョウ コウゲイ ダイガク ニ ノコサレテ イタ ロクザクラシャシキ テンネンショク インガ ト ソノ ネガフィルム

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The Rokuoh-sha style natural color printing method was announced from Konishiroku Co., Ltd.,(currently, Konica Minolta Co., Ltd.)in November 1940. Surviving prints are few in number and they have not been examined in de- tail. Under such circumstances, it was found by the author that those research materials were stored in a certain place in an unorganized state. The place is the Konishi Professional School of Photography, where the developer of this technology, Haruki Egashira, has been involved in education since its foundation, and later Tokyo Institute of Polytechnics Junior College Department. Those materials were titled “Two Thousand Specimens of Mr. Egashira''. As a result of analyzing these materials, it was possible to classify mainly into three types. The first one is three-col- or separation negatives produced from the early Showa 10s(1935-)to around 1943, using “ Sakura Tripack Film.” The second one is a color print by “ Sakura Color Developing Out Paper ”. The third one is actual materials includ- ing those research prototypes.


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