Establishment of Wind noise Prediction Method Caused by Flow of Vehicle Shape Using CFD.


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  • CFD を用いた車体形状の流れに起因する空力騒音予測手法の確立


Quietness is one of the key factors of quality and competitiveness of a vehicle, and noise reduction is one of the main objectives in vehicle development. In recent years, with the increasing popularity of HEV (Hybrid Electric Vehicle) and BEV (Battery Electric Vehicle), innovations in vibration and noise reduction technology have led to significant reductions of engine noise, road noise and motor noise. As a result, contribution of exterior wind noise has become more dominant, particularly in high-speed cruising conditions. Exterior wind noise is generated by acoustic pressure fluctuation induced by turbulent flow around a vehicle, and it propagates and transmits inside the cabin. In this paper, we propose a method for predicting exterior wind noise and identifying noise sources based on simulation results of the flow field around vehicle and show its validation by comparison with the results of wind tunnel evaluation.


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