Thermal Stability of Magnetization States and Reversal Fields from the Perspective of Landau Theory


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  • ランダウ理論から見た磁化状態の熱安定性と反転磁場


<p>  A method for achieving both the thermal stability of magnetic signals and the reduction of the magnetization reversal field was investigated using the Landau theory. We give some examples of slope shapes in a free-energy landscape, and performs calculations for reversal fields. It is clarified that linear slopes without irregularities are suitable for the energy landscape to reduce the switching field. We also show that the method of suppressing the reduction in the energy barrier height and reducing the reversal magnetic field by bonding the soft phase/hard phase contributes to flattening the energy landscape. It is shown that the energy distribution of the domain wall motion studied in a previous simulation is consistent with the linear energy landscape in Landau theory.</p>


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