Each direction and area analysis of improvement effect on measures against occurrence of inoperative section on railway network in the Tokyo metropolitan area

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  • 東京圏の鉄道路線網における運休区間の発生に対する改善策効果の方面・エリア別分析


The urban railway in the Tokyo metropolitan area is the foundation that supports the central function of our country, and requires toughness. Furthermore, convenience has been improved by such factors as mutual direct operation, and the urban railway has become unified as a network. Therefore, it is important to evaluate and analyze the vulnerability of urban railway in the Tokyo metropolitan area on a certain scale area based on the form of railway network and user's trend. In this document, supposing that suspension of service occurs on railway network in the Tokyo metropolitan area, we conducted an analysis of improvement effect on measures against occurrence of inoperative section by each direction and area, as a case study.


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