Feelings of mutuality of caring in visiting nurses elicited by reevaluating psychological distress promotes development of their professional identities
- Hirano Satoko
- Visiting Nursing Station Cosmos
- Fuji Kei
- University of Tsukuba
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- Other Title
- 訪問看護師の困難の捉え直しがケアリングの相互性を経て看護観に及ぼす影響
- ホウモン カンゴシ ノ コンナン ノ トラエ ナオシ ガ ケアリング ノ ソウゴセイ オ ヘテ カンゴカン ニ オヨボス エイキョウ
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<p>In this study, we aimed to determine whether cognitive reevaluation of psychological distress in visiting nurses promotes the development of their professional identities and elicits feelings of mutuality of caring. In study 1, we administered a questionnaire survey to 371 visiting nurses. A covariance structural analysis showed that, although most of the visiting nurses suffered more psychological distress from caring for clients, their professional identities were further developed through feelings of mutuality of caring caused by the successive reevaluation of future care for clients. In study 2, we intervened visiting nurses via e-mail. The results showed that, in experimental conditions in which visiting nurses successively reevaluated their psychological distress while considering future care for clients, the nurses had higher scores for measures of professional identity. These results supported our hypothesis and demonstrated the effectiveness of successively evaluating patient care, to elicit feelings of mutuality, in developing the professional identities of visiting nurses, who experience various kinds of psychological distress.</p>
- The Japanese journal of psychology
The Japanese journal of psychology 90 (6), 551-561, 2020
The Japanese Psychological Association
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390846609807454720
- NII Article ID
- 130007801728
- NII Book ID
- AN00123620
- 18841082
- 00215236
- 030249213
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
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