IEC活動特別概論 : LED製品の標準化(<特集>LED照明の標準化-グローバル社会を勝ち抜くために)


  • Activities of IEC Special View : Standardization of LED Products(<Special Issue>Towards Standardization of LED Lighting-Direction of Japan's Strategy for Globalization)
  • IEC活動 特別概論 : LED製品の標準化
  • IEC カツドウ トクベツ ガイロン : LED セイヒン ノ ヒョウジュンカ



LEDs, fluorescent lamps, halogen incandescent lamps and high intensity discharge lamps together with the interface to corresponding controlgear, cap?lampholder fit and luminaire determine the work program of IEC SC 34A. Most urgent, the application of LED products for general lighting requires a standardized backbone. This is provided by IEC TC 34, its sub-committees and several panels. All elements of the chain are concerned: the simplest form of a light source (LED package), the LED lamp and LED modules, the LED controlgear and the LED luminaire. The first generation of these LED products imitates existing lighting solutions, but new developments take better care of what LED really can do. Across all LED products, testing of lifetime against manufacturers' claims, reduction of testing time, choice of preferred chromaticity coordinates, tolerance areas of chromaticity coordinates, definition of colour space, definition of colour rendering, shortening of stabilization procedure, statistical requirements and minimization of repetitive work for luminaire manufacturers are unsolved tasks or improvable. It is imperative that all concerned parties of industry, testhouses and laboratories work together in standardization to make LED lighting a success story.


  • 照明学会誌

    照明学会誌 96 (6), 328-332, 2012-06-01

    一般社団法人 照明学会

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