Operation of Gaze Input Device Based on Target Selection Model

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  • 対象選択動作モデルに基づく視線入力デバイス操作
  • タイショウ センタク ドウサ モデル ニ モトズク シセン ニュウリョク デバイス ソウサ

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Target selection is given as a main operation of gaze input. In this paper, we propose target selection model for gaze input based on Fitts’s law. It is classified as gaze movement and decision movement. Gaze movement has the problem that is increased the movement time due to tremor of the gaze, and decision movement has the problem that is a method of using a screen button narrows the screen. We solve the problems using the proposed target selection model. First, we reduce a gaze movement’s difficulty with gaze likelihood, and shorten the target selection time by 1.13 second. Second, we propose don’t use a method of using screen button, use out of screen decision area.


  • ITE Technical Report

    ITE Technical Report 41.5 (0), 339-344, 2017

    The Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers

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