Efforts to Reduce Waiting Time for Medical Examinees in Ningen Dock

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  • 人間ドックにおける受診者の待ち時間短縮に向けた取り組み
  • ニンゲン ドック ニ オケル ジュシンシャ ノ マチ ジカン タンシュク ニ ムケタ トリクミ

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<p>Objective: Due to an increase in the number of examinees, complaints about long waiting times and not completing all health check-ups in the morning have increased. </p><p>This study aimed to determine whether we could reduce the waiting time for examination and improve the comfort of examinees by changing the order of abdominal ultrasonography in a series of examination. </p><p>Methods: We handed out questionnaires to our staff to determine which examination resulted in longer waiting times. Based on the results, the order of examinations was changed, and the distribution of waiting times for abdominal ultrasonography was compared every 10 minutes. </p><p>Results: According to the questionnaire, procedures that resulted in long waiting time were physical check-up by a doctor, abdominal ultrasonography, and confirmation of the contents of a questionnaire by a nurse, in this order. Based on the results, the order of the examinations was changed to complete abdominal ultrasonography earlier. Before the change of order, the percentage of patients with an abdominal ultrasonography waiting time of less than 10 minutes was only 51.0%. However, after changing the order, no examinee had to wait for more than 40 minutes. In addition, comparing the end times of abdominal ultrasonography. </p><p>Conclusions: By changing the order of examination, the waiting time for abdominal ultrasonography can be shortened, and the length of the series of examinations can also be shortened, possibly leading lead to preferable results on the acceptance of more examinees to Ningen Dock in the future.</p>


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