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  • Theoretical Research for Establishing a Japanese-style STEM education: Analysis from a Comparative Historical Point of View
  • ニホンガタ STEM キョウイク ノ コウチク ニ ムケテ ノ リロンテキ ケンキュウ : ヒカク キョウイクガクテキシザ カラ ノ ブンセキ オ トオシテ



<p>This paper focuses on theories for establishing Japan’s science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education. The authors conducted comparative and historical research on STEM education, with special references to Western mathematicians such as Dyer, Perry, and Moore, and engineers who engaged in the reform of mathematics education around the millennium of the 20th century. Dyer and Perry established a new technical/engineering education approach in both Japan and the United Kingdom. We investigated the origin of the term “STEM,” as well as the state of the educational approaches to STEM subjects in the United States and the United Kingdom. We subsequently historically analyzed the scientific and technical education in Japan since the mid-19th century and reviewed ideas of the mathematician and science historian Kinnosuke Ogura (1885–1962).</p><p>Consequently, we extracted the following four aspects for establishing a Japanese-style STEM education model. This model is characterized by 1) the aims and objectives of STEM education, 2) the learning values of STEM subjects, and 3) collaboration with teachers of other STEM subjects. Its final attribute is 4) the understanding of the learning of STEM subjects on the part of pupils, teachers, and parents.</p>


  • 科学教育研究

    科学教育研究 45 (2), 142-154, 2021

    一般社団法人 日本科学教育学会



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