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  • A study on the frequency of the jump during the top level male volleyball games.
  • バレーボール コクナイ ダンシ トップリーグ ノ シアイ チュウ ニ オケル チョウヤク ヒンド ニ カンスル ケンキュウ



The main purpose of this study was to evaluate the frequency and rate of jump types in male volleyball games. Sixteen professional volleyball games in eight teams were recorded by the digital videos(60f/s). The offensive and defensive jumps in each position were separated into the five jump types(attack, block, jump toss, serve and trick jump)by a professional coach. The frequency and rate of jump types in each position were as followings 1)In the frequency of the jumps While setter(S)jumped more than wing spiker(WS)and opposite(OP)did(p <0.01),libelo(L)jumped less than wing spiker(WS), middle blocker(MB)and opposite(OP)(p<0.001). 2)The type of jumps S(block 21.2%, jump toss 68.1%)and L(jump toss 100%)mostly performed their own positions. WS(attack 38.9%, block 41.0%, serve 19.8%), MB(attack 8.4%, trick jump 26.2%, block 53.5%, serve 11.9%)and OP(attack 49.3%, block 34.2%, serve 16.5%)performed various jumps. The results showed that volleyball is an intermittent sport that combines offensive and defensive phases of play. While players should be required to jump vertically as high as they are capable of doing, it is necessary for players to develop various jump abilities depending on their positions.


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