

  • Famous Places along the Sumida River in Edo Meisho Zue
  • エド メイショ ズエ ニ ミル スミダガワ メイショ ト リュウイキ ノ チイキ トクセイ




“Edo Meishozue” (“Famous Places in Edo”) is a geographic book of Edo published in 1834 and 1836. The book's illustrations include 21 pictures of famous places along the Sumida River, which until now have been the object of very little research. This paper identifies the distinctive features of the areas portrayed through a detailed study of these pictures that also takes into account the history of Edo.The 21 illustrations of famous places along the Sumida River in the Edo Meishozue share the titles of “Upper Sumida River”, “Western Bank of the Sumida River”, “Eastern Bank of the Sumida River”, and “Both Banks of the Sumida River”. For the sake of convenience, these are referred to as the “Sumida River Series”. A detailed study is made of the features of the composition and perspective found in each of the illustrations, along with an examination of the reasons for the creation of these pictures which have the title of “Sumida River” in common. A fundamental feature shared by the “Sumida River Series” is that all 21 illustrations depict areas along the upper Sumida River situated north of the Asakusa Okawa Bridge, also known as the Azuma Bridge. There are various reasons for their concentration on these areas along the upper Sumida River north of Okawa Bridge.Earlier depictions of the Sumida River such as those from the first half of the Edo period like the “Edo Zu Byobu” (“Folding Screens Depicting Edo”) tended to portray just one or two classical famous sites, even if the work showed the entire river. As such, they contained virtually no detailed information. The “Sumida-gawa Ryogan Ichiran” (“Views of Both Banks of the Sumida River”) by Tsuruoka Rosui that was printed in 1781 was a series of picture scrolls that formed a view of the full length of the Sumida River. They were indeed momentous, as they marked a shift from the partial portrayal of the Sumida River to a portrayal of the entire river. Thus, they paved the way for the depiction of famous sites along the Sumida River concentrated within the area north of the Okawa Bridge up to the Senju Ohashi Bridge about half a century later in 1834 and 1836.One reason for the Sumida River Series' concentration on the upper Sumida River was the removal of the Nakazu entertainment district built on land fill in the Sumida River downstream from the area called Mitsumata as a result of the Kansei reforms. Consequently, the attention of literati and intellectuals turned to the district known as Mukojima. The Mukojima district was also a natural unspoiled pastoral area with many associations with the classics and history that was the site of many famous events. This is why famous places along the upper Sumida River were depicted through the medium of pictures. It was due to such cultural developments that the 21 pictures in the Edo Meishozue depict the upper Sumida River and not the entire river.



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