Trekking the Pathways in Building Good Governance in Cambodia and the Philippines

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The paper presents the pathways trekked by the Philippines and Cambodia in the hope of achieving good governance as a critical prerequisite for development. Cambodia and the Philippines underwent varied phases in building good governance—from its colonial past, dictatorship, communist upheavals and finally what we call democracy. The governance pathways espoused by Kooiman (2001) such as 1)consolidation of democracy; 2) strengthening of government; 3) government as the problem; 4) public management reforms were assessed from a historical perspective following the theory that historical origins are central to good governance.\<br/>The suppression of democracy, the political instability, and endemic corruption had been the prominent features of the governance pathways in the Philippines and Cambodia. However, the two countries have dynamic social, political and economic difference pathways in the Philippines, where each of the pathways occurred varied and at differing times. These commonalities and differences of the their pathways largely determined their current social, political, and economic conditions. How governance evolved with these factors in the background present lessons for Cambodia and the Philippines and other developing countries in the quest for good governance. Thus, it is primordial in both countries, to mount the hazards in engaging in anti-corruption activities, develop accountabilities for services delivery, and improve civil service management and capabilities though decreased politicization to improve its poverty alleviation efforts. Theses are lessons from history.


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