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  • 望田 研吾
    九州大学大学院人間環境学研究院国際教育環境学講座 : 教授 : 比較国際教育学


  • New Development of the Policy for Diversification of Secondary Schools in England
  • イギリスニオケルチュウトウガッコウタヨウカセイサクノシンテンカイ



In this paper recent development of the policy for diversification of secondary schools in England is dealt with. First, major policy documents and an education act concerning the reform of secondary education were examined to identify ideas underlying recent policies. Second, some research reports on the impact and the effectiveness of specialist schools were reviewed to show assessment on specialist schools. Lastly, opinions of head teachers of specialist schools were described to illuminate some problems facing specialist schools. The Labour government has stated its intention to pursue further the policy for diversification and specialisation of secondary schools in the second term of office. In a white paper, 'Schools Achieving Success' published in September 2001 DfES stated main strategies in secondary education reform. Important key themes in secondary education reform were creating a more diverse system and giving greater autonomy for successful schools. The more diverse system is to be consisted of diversified and specialized schools. Specialist schools are to be the major element in this system. The plan is to expand specialist schools to 1,000 by 2003 and 1,500 by 2005. Beacon schools, training schools and city academies are also to play important roles in the system. Basing on this White Paper the 2002 Education Act was enacted in July 2002 to give a legislative framework for the reform proposed in the Paper. A detailed plan for the reform was also described in a document 'Education and Skills: Investment for Reform' published in September 2002. It envisaged a radical reform in the structure of secondary education to create a system of diversified schools with their own distinctive characters or ethos and stressed to 'modernise' comprehensive education by promoting collaboration among diversified schools. Three reports published in 2000 and 2001 all evaluated specialist schools positively and thus gave foundation for developing the specialist programme further and setting this school as normal type in secondary schools. Today a system of diversified secondary schools in which specialist schools lie at the core is being constructed. The programme of specialist schools is now situated in the mainstream of educational policies. In this situation we may identify a shift from 'isolation in the unity' existed in the 'old' comprehensive system to 'collaboration in the diversity' of the 'new' comprehensive system.


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