Fundamental study on improvement of urban park toward change of future population

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Other Title
  • 将来人口の変化に向けた都市公園整備に関する基礎的研究
  • Case of Sagamihara city
  • 相模原市を例として


<p>Infrastructures developed in the period of high economic growth in Japan have been decayed and facing for urgent renewal. To response to that, in the field of urban park system there is a plan to make a park longer sustained by fixing its utilities. On the other hand, it is crucial to consider administrative cost to keep and maintain not only parks but other infrastructure. This paper proposes sustainable measures for urban park system in terms of not only the cost but users demand for park system, analyzing the population data and the data of park maintenance plan in Sagamihara City, Kanagawa Prefecture. We successfully selected some of the parks which the city should abandon for the sake of public health.</p>



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