Learning Contents of Perioperative Nursing Practice at A College of Nursing: An Analysis of Students’ Reports Using Text Mining

  • Imai Takiko
    Japanese Red Cross Hiroshima College of Nursing
  • Nagai Yosuke
    Department of Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Kawasaki University of Medical Welfare
  • Nakagaki Kazuko
    Nursing Course, Department of Health and Welfare, Faculty of Health and Welfare, Prefectural University of Hiroshima

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  • A大学における周手術期看護実習をめぐる学修内容—Text Miningによる課題レポートの内容分析から—

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<p>This study examined primary words and constructs representing the learning contents of perioperative nursing practice at A college of nursing, confirm their usefulness. 108 reports submitted after acute care nursing practice were analyzed using Text Mining. <patients> was frequently appearing word, followed by <after surgery>, <necessary>, <surgery>, <anxiety>, <status>, <important>, <change>, <observation>, <practice>, <complications>, and <pain>, which were among the tops. The constructs extracted through typification using principal component and cluster analyses include: [nursing assessment based on drugs], [importance of pain control for early postoperative bed leaving], [practice of family nursing during the perioperative period], [possibility of complications due to surgical invasion and importance of observation with a view to discharge], [nursing that contributes to reducing anxiety in a limited time], [effects of surgical invasion on physical recovery and psychological aspects immediately after surgery], [planning ability based on knowledge with an eye on the situation], [individualized discharge guidance based on life before hospitalization], [Information gathering centered on diseases and treatments captured from the patient’s facial expressions and communication]. In particular, they studied mainly “post-surgery” in perioperative nursing and based on the effect of surgical invasion immediately after surgery, they provided physical observation during the postoperative acute phase and discharge guidance during the postoperative recovery phase.</p>


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