著者名,論文名,雑誌名,ISSN,出版者名,出版日付,巻,号,ページ,URL,URL(DOI) Ichikawa Masako and Kato Norio and Toda Erika and Kashihara Masakazu and Ishida Yuji and Hiei Yukoh and Isobe Sachiko N. and Shirasawa Kenta and Hirakawa Hideki and Okamoto Takashi and Komari Toshihiko,"Whole-genome sequence analysis of mutations in rice plants regenerated from zygotes, mature embryos, and immature embryos",Breeding Science,13447610,日本育種学会,2023,73,3,349-353,https://cir.nii.ac.jp/crid/1390859856939099392,https://doi.org/10.1270/jsbbs.22100