A Study on the Storage Batteries Combined Photovoltaic Systems triggered by the Improvement of a High-dense Built-up Area

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  • 密集市街地整備を契機とした太陽電池・蓄電池導入のあり方に関する研究


<p>Central Government of Japan has been promoting the use of renewable energy as a main source of power for decarbonization. Therefore, Residential areas need energy conservation and widespread use of photovoltaic systems . Furthermore, the introduction of storage batteries is necessary for local production and local consumption of energy.The purpose of this study is to identify the characteristics of neighborhood where storage batteries attached to photovoltaic systems should be installed in high-dense built-up residential areas. As a result, it was found that the introduction of storage batteries in large blocks with many detached houses is effective, and that the measures are more effective when introduced in conjunction with the improvement of high-dense built-up area.</p>



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