Creating Urban Space to Accommodate Mobile Services

Bibliographic Information

Other Title
  • 移動型サービスを受け入れる空間利用のあり方
  • Case Study of Mobile Retailers in Urban and Suburban Areas
  • 都市部・郊外部における移動販売の事例調査から


<p>Recently, the topic of mobile retailer is discussed mainly in two contexts. One is self-driving stores supported by autonomous driving technology, and the other is mobile retailers as support systems for disadvantaged shoppers. In this research, the gap between the two contexts is pointed out and surveys on four advanced examples of mobile retailers are conducted focusing on how urban spaces are used. Through the research, it is found that 1) mobile retailers use various types of spaces as stop points depending on the geographical and social situations of the area, 2) policies for deciding the stop points varies by projects, and some of them have unique schemes, and 3) mobile retailers change the characters of urban spaces to temporary community places.</p>



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