The Value of Cultured Red Sea Breams Imported from Japan in Korea

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  • 韓国における日本産養殖マダイの価値
  • 韓国における日本産養殖マダイの価値 : 輸入動向と食文化を中心に
  • カンコク ニ オケル ニホンサン ヨウショク マダイ ノ カチ : ユニュウ ドウコウ ト ショク ブンカ オ チュウシン ニ
  • A Study on the Import Trend and Food Culture
  • 輸入動向と食文化を中心に

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<p>Recently, the volume of red sea breams imported from Japan to Korea has been remarkably increasing, while domestic production is also showing a rapid increase. This paper has three objectives. The first is to analyze the increase in cultured red sea bream production in Korea and Japan, the trend of trade between both countries, and consumers’ concern. The second objective is to analyze factors affecting an increase in import of red sea breams. The third one is to predict a future development of live fish imports from Japan. Through a comparative study on the environment for aquaculture in Korea and Japan, the factors will be described.</p><p>Korea began to import red sea breams from Japan in the late 1980s; nowadays, 20%~60% of red sea breams consumed in Korea are imported from Japan. The dominant presence of Japan’s red sea breams in the Korean seafood market is attributed to its advantage.</p><p>The cultured red sea bream from Japan has made successful inroads into the Korean seafood market. Japan has the competitive advantage in terms of the production costs and quality of red sea breams. Along with the rise of per-capita-income, an ever-growing appetite for red sea breams has contributed to the increase in import from Japan. In culture aspect, Koreans have enjoyed red sea breams as delicacy for a long time, which is regarded as good fortune. It is predicted that the import volume of red sea breams will be decreased or stagnant, and then will turn into a rise. The main factors to cause a rapid change in the volume of Korean red sea breams’ imports are ever-increasing domestic consumption, a highly appreciated Korean Won against Japanese Yen.</p>


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