II-8 Correlation Among Sensory Evaluation, Autonomic Nervous Activity, and Central Nervous Activity in Visual Stimulation(Proceedings of the 45th Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology) :
- Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute
- SATO,Hiroshi
- Sumitomo Forestry CO., LTD
- MIYAZAKI,Yoshifumi
- Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute
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- Journal of physiological anthropology and applied human science
Journal of physiological anthropology and applied human science 20 (5), 302-,
Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1540009770408471680
- NII Article ID
- 110002528376
- NII Book ID
- AA11462444
- Text Lang
- en
- Data Source
- NDL Digital Collections (NII-ELS)
- CiNii Articles