Comparative proteomics of the prokaryota using secretory proteins



Secretory proteins function as agents for numerous cell-cell interactions and determine the survival strategies adopted by organisms. Using the SOSUI system for membrane proteins (Hirokawa et al., Bioinformatics, 1988) and SOSUIsignal for signal peptides (Gomi et al., CBIJ, 2004), we undertook predictive analyses of secretory proteins from 248 prokaryota using all of the amino acid sequences coded by their respective genomes. The number of secretory proteins exhibited a strong positive correlation with the number of total open reading frames, with analysis of these correlations revealing that prokaryotic organisms could be placed into several groups. Symbiotic or obligate parasitic organisms in eukaryotic cells with less than 1200 open reading frames exhibited a single linear relationship between the number of secretory proteins and the total number of open reading frames. Conversely, free-living organisms with more than 2500 open reading frames could be grouped into three linear relationships. The intercept with the axis of the number of open reading frames in the linear relationships was approximately 300 genes for the survival of symbiotic or obligate parasitic organisms and approximately 700 for the free-living organisms. The factor responsible for distinguishing between the different categories of organisms appeared to be G+C content and the number of open reading frames. The roles of secretory proteins and membrane proteins were discussed on the basis of the ratios of those proteins. The list of all predicted secretory proteins for 248 prokaryota is available through the internet at the URL: 分泌タンパク質は細胞間のやり取りを橋渡しする役目を持っており、生物種の生存戦略と密接な関わりがある。 膜タンパク質予測システムSOSUIとシグナルペプチド予測システムSOSUIsignalを用いて248種の原核生物ゲノムから分泌タンパク質の予測を行った。 分泌タンパク質の数とゲノムのORF数には正の相関がみられた。 詳細な解析より、原核生物をいくつかのグループに分けることができた。 ORF数が1200以下の生物は真核生物細胞内共生、寄生生物で、一つの線形近似が可能だった。 2500以上の生物種は独立的に生存できる生物であり、3つのカテゴリに分けられた。 線形近似のORF数の軸への切片は共生ー寄生生物種では300、独立生存グループでは700であった。 また、GC含量もORF数と同様に、生物のカテゴリを分ける主な要因であった。 最後に原核生物の生存戦略を分泌タンパク質の解析に基いて議論した。


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