Author,Title,Journal,ISSN,Publisher,Date,Volume,Number,Page,URL,URL(DOI) 本田 まり and 田中 智子 and 中野 佐和子 and 才新 直子 and Mari Honda and Satoko Tanaka and Sawako Nakano and Naoko Saishin,"The Relationship Between Food Nutritional Science Students' Motivation for Participation in the Food Event and Their Choice of Career Options: From the ""Lunch Box 3.1.2 Method"" Experience Seminar for Women's College Students in the Academic Year 2012 (Heisei 24)",神戸女子短期大学紀要論攷 = The Ronko,0919-3650,神戸女子短期大学,2014-03-01,,59,41-46,,