1920~1930年代におけるサハの知識人と民族学的研究 : ロシア民族学史における断章


  • Sakha National Intellectuals and their Ethnographical studies during the 1920s and the 1930s



Anthropologists and historians, recently, have developed the historical analyses of repressed Russian anthropology from the 1920s and 1930s in the former Soviet Union. They discuss the theoretical and institutional changes in anthropology or the implications of the transition from Russian Ethnology to Soviet Ethnography. The interest is also developing in the study of biographies of repressed ethnographers, who were the victims of Stalinist Purges. The repression and purges of anthropologists was not confined in the narrow sense to Russian intellectuals, but rather included many local and multiple ethnic intelligentsias. To explore the history of the repressed national intelligentsias and their anthropology is to view their works and lives in the context between national politics and the development of Soviet Ethnography. In this paper I try to describe the relations between the repressed Sakha national intelligentsia and their ethnographical studies, taking into account the socio-political conditions from the early 20^<th> century to the 1930s. Through the analyses of some figures' biographies and their intercourse with each other, both in their research and political fields, I examine the interaction between their ethnographical studies and the socio-political activities of the period, and then consider the role and the significance of Sakha ethnography for themselves.


  • 東北アジア研究

    東北アジア研究 (9), 35-56, 2005-03-28




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