発達障害児のためのパソコンによる概念学習(Ⅲ): 定型発達児を対象とする調査


  • Concept Learning Using Personal Computers for Children with Developmental Disorders (Ⅲ) : An Investigation of Typically Developing Children.
  • 発達障害児のためのパソコンによる概念学習(3)定型発達児を対象とする調査
  • ハッタツ ショウガイジ ノ タメ ノ パソコン ニ ヨル ガイネン ガクシュウ(3)テイケイ ハッタツジ オ タイショウ ト スル チョウサ



In this paper we report on the investigation conducted on typically developing children as control groups, using the PC-driven concept learning program related to concepts on natural objects and artificial materials which was developed for children with developmental disabilities (Shimizu & Shimizu, 2017; Shimizu & Shimizu, 2018). In February of 2016, an investigation based on three stimulus conditions (specifically, photo, colored line drawing, line drawing) were conducted on typically developing children belonging to three age classes of kindergarten (specifically, younger class for children of 3 years of age, middle class for children of 4 years of age, and older class for children of 5 years of age). The results of this investigation are as follows. In the case of the concept of natural objects, it was shown that the mean percentage of stimulus selection as the same concept increased with age. On the other hand, there was no significant difference depending on the abstraction level of the stimulus. In other words, in younger children it was still difficult to judge “the same group” based on the same concept. However, in older children, it was possible to reach the understanding level of 70% to 80% or more, regardless of the abstraction level of stimulus. Thus it appears that the older children no longer depended on the differences in the abstraction level of stimulus, according to the development of concept formation. This result suggests that the process of development of semantic understanding related to familiar objects such as natural objects was clarified. However, the result concerning the concept of artificial materials suggests that concept acquisition was not sufficiently achieved among the kindergarten children. Additionally, in this study, the developmental level of each typically developing child could be evaluated based on types of stimuli which were selected as belonging to “the same group”. Therefore, the analysis of individual differences in children with developmental disabilities will be possible through comparison of the process of developmental change in the strategy of stimulus selection which was clarified this time.


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