Traditional Herbal Medicine 4 : Traditional Herbal Medicines for Treating Skin Trouble

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  • 日本の民間薬4 : 皮膚のトラブルに対する民間薬2
  • ニホン ノ ミンカンヤク 4 ヒフ ノ トラブル ニ タイスル ミンカンヤク 2
  • 日本ノ民間薬4 : 皮膚ノトラブルニ対スル民間薬2

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The 1^<st> and 2^<nd> papers dealt with health foods for curing the common cold. The third paper dealt with herbs for treating skin trouble. In this paper, additional foods, herbs and trees for treating the skin trouble are described. Some herbs and trees described in this paper are used only in some parts of Japan, and their effects have not yet been ascertained by the author.


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