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  • A Study of "the hypochondriacal basic tone" and "the psychic interaction"in Morita Therapy
  • モリタ リョウホウ ニ オケル ヒポコンドリー セイ キチョウ ト セイシン ソウゴ サヨウ ニ ツイテ

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Morita therapy which means an original psychotherapy in Japan was established by Shoma Morita around 1920. He became the first proffesor of Department of Psychiatry Jikei University School of Medicine. Morita therapy is particularly effective with a kind of neurosis called shinkeishitsu. Morita therapy has two major therapeutic techniques "Gajoku" which means resting in bed and "Sagyo" which means work or daily activities for living, and has style of family therapy. In this paper I refer to Morita's experience which is related to his idea of principles of treatment when he contrives a special therapy for shinkeishitsu. And then I study "the hypochondriacal basic tone" that is the basis of Morita theory, and "the psychic interaction" and "the contradiction of thinking" that mean the psychological mechanism for activating symptoms. Further I study the principles of feelings and residential Morita therapy. The basis of principles of Morita therapy has Morita's way of thinking that shinkeishitsu patient surmounts symptoms and grows into an active person through educating the hypochondriacal basic tone. Accordingly, the purpose of this paper is to study mainly the hypochondriacal basic tone and the psychic interaction in Morita therapy, and to explain the significance of educating the hypochondriacal basic tone.


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