
  • The Portrait of a Ladyにおける受苦の精神について--Henry Jamesの作品研究-2-
  • The Portrait of a Lady ニ オケル ジュク ノ セイシン ニ ツイテ Henry James ノ サクヒン ケンキュウ 2
  • The Ordeal of Isabel Archer : A Study of The Portrait of a Lady (II)



This paper forms a sequel to my previous one on James's The portrait of a Lady, which is contained in the Essays and Studies (Vol.XVI, No.1, September, 1965) published by the Academic Society of Tokyo Woman's Christian College. The Portrati of a Lady is the most impressive and most soul-elevating of the novels of the 19th century which have a heroine as the central figure. Among these novels, Madame Bovary, Anna Karenina and many others are tragedies of passion, while The Portrait is a tragedy of intelligence, because Isabel Archer as the heroine is a modern, intellectual, reflective and self-reliant girl, but, at the same time, she is so innocent and so unsophisticated that she becomes an easy victim of her own logic and idealistic notions in the face of crude reality. We readers are impressed, however, by her moral integrity and her fortitude with which she tries to take the responsibility for the consequences of her act of free will, and thus affront her tragic destiny. The Portrait owes its greatness chiefly to the artistry of James in drawing such a unique portrait as Isabel Archer as well as creating other characters with variety and vividness. I attempted to make clear the essential quality of her character by examining her relations to people surrounding her, especially to Osmond who becomes her evil fate. As a descendant of the Puritans in her unyielding courage and her moral uprightness, Isabel is a person of essentially noble, strong and developing character, and this enables her to accept her suffering, not as a result of renunciation, but as a way to a higher development of her self. James knows the meaning of suffering in life deeper than that of happiness, and, through Isabel, he shows the meaning and value of renunciation, which can be grasped only by experiencing such a trying ordeal.


  • 英米文学評論

    英米文学評論 13 (1), 77-97, 1965

    東京 : 東京女子大学英米文学研究会

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