The Role of School Counselor in the Preventing Bullying at School

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  • 学校のいじめ防止活動におけるスクールカウンセラーの役割
  • ガッコウ ノ イジメ ボウシ カツドウ ニ オケル スクールカウンセラー ノ ヤクワリ

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In recent years, the need for psychological education, which is a preventive and developmental support for students, has increased and its introduction is expanding. Educational consultation from now on is important to prevent, to detect early, to support early, to respond, and to build a system with emphasis on consistent support from the time the incidents occurred to the improvement / recovery of cases. School counselor plays a major role in its practice. In this research, we investigated the preventing bullying being conducted at school and whether SC is involved in the activities. As a result, it was found that various activities were mixed in preventing bullying .It is necessary to assess the school and develop psychological education suitable for the school and children.


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