A case of postrenal acute renal failure in a neonate with bilateral ectopic ureters

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  • 新生児期に急性腎不全を呈した両側異所開口尿管の1例

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A male neonate was referred to our institute after the placement of right nephrostomy because he presented syndrome of acute renal failure and bilateral hydronephrosis. Voiding cystourethrography revealed bilateral vesicoureteral reflux (right.; grade I, left.; grade V), and renal scintigraphy revealed left hypodysplastic kidney. Endoscopy revealed bilateral ectopic ureters; posterior urethra on the right and bladder neck on the left. We performed bilateral ureterocystoneostomy with bilateral ureteral folding. Postoperative course was uneventful, and the serum creatinine improved to the level of 0.5 mg/dl 6 months after the intervention.


  • Hinyokika Kiyo

    Hinyokika Kiyo 42 (12), 969-971, 1996-12


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