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  • Two Cases of Tuberculosis of Seminal Funiculus
  • セイサクケッカク ノ 2レイ



We have reported two cases of the tuberculoris o f seminal funiculus, and investigated philologically 53 cases in our country. In the first case, a patient of 37 years of age, the tuberculosis of seminal funiculus of both sides was detected, and was the fifth case of bilateral one in our country. And in the second case, a patient of 25 years of age, tuberculous chan g e was detected in the large masa of seminal funiculus of the right side. In both cases we have found histologically the productive tuberculosis, and in the second case we have especially noticed the remarkable finding of phlebitis obliterans. As the cause of genesis, we will support not only the theory of tuberc u lous allergy that has been exclaimed up to present day, but also the theory of tuberculous bacillus that has asserted this condition is caused by direct action of tuberculous bacillus.


  • 泌尿器科紀要

    泌尿器科紀要 5 (7), 613-619, 1959-07


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