妊娠中および出産後における下部尿路症状の推移 - IPSS/QOLと「尿失禁症状質問票」を用いた調査 -
- タイトル別名
- Change of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms during Pregnancy and after Delivery: Investigations Using IPSS/QOL and Urinary Incontinence Questionnaires
- ニンシン チュウ オヨビ シュッサン ゴ ニ オケル カブ ニョウロ ショウジョウ ノ スイイ IPSS QOL ト ニョウ シッキン ショウジョウ シツモンヒョウ オ モチイタ チョウサ
Using International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS)/Quality of life (QOL) and Urinary Incontinence Questionnaires, we collected a total of 89 questionnaires from 48 pregnant women (average age of 31.4± 3.42) and data 4 times during each pregnancy (during the 14th, 26th and 36th weeks of pregnancy) and 1 month after delivery. We examined whether there was a relationship between the number of incontinence incidences listed in the questionnaires and other parameters : the body mass index (BMI), previous deliveries, the weight of the baby delivered, the use of episiotomy, etc. The average IPSS score was 5.84±4.65, 5.33± 2.73, 7.35 ±4.51 for the 14, 26 and 36th week, respectively and 1.82±1.76 one month after delivery. The major symptom reported was storage symptom and the scores increased as the pregnancy progressed and recovered by one month after delivery. The average score on the Urinary Incontinence Questionnaires was 3.32±2.69, 5.05 ±3.02, 6.15 ±2.89 for the 14, 26 and 36th week, respectively and 1.59±2.03 one month after delivery. The major symptom reported was stress incontinence. The scores increased significantly as the pregnancy progressed and, one month after delivery, returned to the level at the 14th week of pregnancy. We found a positive correlation between the number of incidences of incontinence at the 36th week and the subject's BMI. Among the lower urinary tract symptoms, storage symptom and stress incontinence were found in the early stage of pregnancy. Storage symptom disappeared after delivery, but stress incontinence was reduced only to the level in the early stage of pregnancy.
- 泌尿器科紀要
泌尿器科紀要 55 (6), 311-314, 2009-06
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詳細情報 詳細情報について
- 1050001202110595712
- 120001408888
- AN00208315
- 00181994
- 2433/79916
- 10249290
- 本文言語コード
- ja
- 資料種別
- departmental bulletin paper
- データソース種別
- NDLサーチ
- CiNii Articles